
Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Uriel


Logos Emmanuel

Archangel Selaphiel, Archangel Jegudiel, Archangel Barachiel, Archangel Jeremiel


The Synaxis, or “gathering,” of the Archangels is an ancient feast of the Orthodox Church, established in the fourth century. Wrestling with Angels presents a highly unusual compilation of this gathering—a central, individual Logos Emmanuel with wings, hand raised in blessing, who is surrounded by archangels on separate boards. The sweep of archangels’ outer robes encompasses the full scope of the color spectrum, their scrolls speak of “overcoming,” and one cradles a small Logos Emmanuel.

As referenced throughout Wrestling with Angels, the Church Fathers often speak about angels in their ascetic writings, calling them “minds” because human beings need guides to help us “ascend the ladder” of spiritual development — starting on the earth and progressing up to heaven. Echoing the ascetic tradition’s use of the ladder metaphor, the Synaxis presented here meditates on the meaning of color in a similar progression from red earth to undepictable violet heaven. Archangel Jeremiel, who attends the transition into the heavens, holds a small Logos, indicating that it is the Logos who is the goal of the seeker who has overcome many obstacles to arrive at this point. But it is the large, central Logos Emmanuel around which all the angels in this composition gather. In the age to come, not only the heavenly hosts but all the saints will assemble under his gaze and creatively sing his praise.  

Wrestling with Angels is an exhibit of an American school of iconography, located in and speaking to an American audience. Creating this composition of icons was intended to call attention to something the teachers of the Prosopon School encounter in every class: American individualism. American freedom thrives on individual creativity, hard work, and effort, and so too, one’s spiritual life requires creativity, attention, and effort. In a culture predicated on acting alone, the school hopes that each viewer might join the ladder of spiritual ascent, whether with Archangel Michael or Archangel Selaphiel, and come to recognize the Logos Emmanuel within. 

Supreme Commanders of the heavenly hosts, we who are unworthy now beseech you that by your prayers ye protect us under the shelter of the wings of your immaterial glory, guarding us who fervently pray and cry out: Deliver us from adversities, as the leader of the ranks of the powers on high.  

~ Festal Troparian

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